Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Year's Resolution...about a month late.

Now that I finally feel like we somewhat have things under control on a day to day basis, I guess it's finally time to tackle the next problem--me.  Spending most of 2011 pregnant was wonderful in a number of ways, not the least of which was that I didn't worry much about what I was eating.  I've needed to lose weight for several years now, but being pregnant gave me a reprieve for a while, at least in my own way of rationalizing it.  Well, I didn't gain too much weight while I was pregnant, but that's not saying much, because I started off too fat to begin with!  Now that Ruby's been here for 4 months, I have no excuse.  Well, technically I can come up with any number of excuses, but that's beside the point.  So here we are.  I've now worked out for two consecutive days for the first time in over a year.  Very impressive, I know.  I'm not ready to commit to Weight Watchers, though I know it works.  I just don't have the energy to obsessively count points right now, and I know that that's what it takes for me to commit to doing it.  So instead, I'm trying a new, hopefully less obsessive, approach.  My first goal is to get 45 minutes worth of some kind of physical activity every day.  That's it.  Baby steps, right?

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