Friday, June 11, 2010

Kai's first haircut

These are the reasons we recently shaved our almost 10 month old son's head, in order of importance:
1) to be culturally relevant.  In most Asian and Pacific Island cultures (including Marshallese, Kai's ethnic background, and Karen, who we spend most of our time with), it is customary to shave an infant's head during their first year.  Some say it is for good luck, others say it promotes a thicker, healthier head of hair.  Mostly it seems it is just because it is a tradition.  So we did it.

2) his curls were a little crazy, and though we absolutely had no problem with strangers telling us what a cute little girl we had, we figured at some point he would probably need to at least have most of his hair the same length.  We figured if we had to cut off the curls anyway, might as well cut it all off.  So we did it.

3) it's really hot in Texas.  Having no hair naturally helps keep him cooler in 100+ degree heat.  So we did it.

4) it will grow back.  We're sure of it.  It's just hair.  So we did it. 

And he's still super cute.  :)

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