Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New baby lambs!

We had our first lambs of the season born on Thursday, my birthday! Gertie is the proud new mom, and she had twins, a little white ram and a little black ewe. They are so cute! We notice that she was acting restless when we went to pen everyone up at about 6 pm on Thursday, so we decided to stay outside and keep an eye on her. About 7:30, she had her first baby, and about an hour later, the second one popped out. She did great--all we did was stand by and helped her out by drying the babies off a bit after they were born. Below is a video so that you can get the full effect of what a day old baby lamb sounds like when he is trying to find his mom. Mom and babies are doing fine, and we're bracing ourselves for LOTS more babies over the next couple of weeks! You can see more pics on the Our Sheep and For Sale pages of our website.


  1. So adorable! I can't wait until we're set up to reserve our lambs. I hope you keep posting pictures/videos of all the new babies!

  2. Of course we will! They get cuter everyday! :)
