Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School

We had a really great summer!  This was Kai's first summer, and so it was a summer of firsts:
As you've probably gathered from our postings, Pla Shee, Pu Lue's 9-year old son, has been living with us since May.  He has been a wonderful addition to our family, and Kai especially enjoys having a big brother to emulate.  Pla Shee started the 3rd grade at Venus Elementary last week, and so far seems to be adjusting really well.  I think it helps to have a smaller school environment because he feels special, and everyone knows his name.  Here's a picture of the boys on Pla Shee's first day of school:

Kai started preschool (I know, crazy!) this week in Arlington.  He is going Tuesday-Friday and LOVES it.  He is such a social little guy, and though he is small in stature, he makes up for it with his smile! ;)

He he is the morning of his first day, complete with miniature backpack:


  1. Glad the school thing is going well for both of the boys!

  2. Thanks, Dee. Yes, it's going great for all of us so far!
